Sunday 1 December 2013


Autumn – Early Morning

The watchman rook awakes his kin,
slumbering in the nearby communal copse,
eager to debate the doings of the day.
From the hedgerow’s cover,
a silly harlequin-clad pheasant,
oblivious to the coming guns,
shrieks like a rusty wheelbarrow
to mock the hungry fox, now gone to ground.
The curving edge of earth’s horizon
is haloed by a ghostly glow
before the shy sun slowly shows itself,
reflecting in the covering of cloud
only a dim replica of dawning day;
but we who have known darkness
will welcome, once again,
even the shadow-semblance of light.


Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful photo and lovely descriptions in your poem

Pete Thompson said...

Thank you. I appreciate the comments of accomplished poets like yourself.